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Commemoration of the 241st Anniversary of the Crossing of the Dan - 2/19

  • 2022-02-19
  • South Boston, Virginia

This year, events include venues over three days. The Crossing of the Dan Committee cordially invites all interested to attend any/or all these proceedings.

Thursday, 5:00 P.M., February 17, 2022, the South Boston Halifax County Museum will host an historical program presented by Jim Morgan, M.A. entitled “Race to the Dan Race to Defeat – Stories Before and After the Crossing.” 1540 Wilborn Avenue; South Boston, Virginia

Friday, 5:00 P.M., February 18, 2022, the Town of Halifax will host a

commemoration of General Greene’s Banister River Encampment King’s Bridge Landing.  Colonel Greg Eanes, USAF (Ret) presents a program on “Halifax County Patriots in the Revolution” an account of locations and  events which occurred on the banks of Banister River in 1781. After this speech a Barbeque Supper (with sides) will be served at the Sportsman Club.  $15 per plate - RSVP by registration form, by February 8, 2002

Outdoor seating will be extremely limited. Suggest participants bring their own chairs.

1041 Bethel Road; Halifax, Virginia

Saturday, 10:00 A.M, February 19, 2022, a SAR National Event will be heldcommemorating the 1781 Crossing of the Dan. Andrew Waters, author of

“To the End of the World” will speak on General Greene’s Race to the Dan.

Weather permitting, events are planned at Boyd’s Ferry after this opening program.

801 Wilborn Avenue; South Boston, Virginia.  Musicians, David Russell and Roland Terry, will perform period music throughout this commemoration. Russell and Terry were featured at the2020 Crossing of the Dan and were well-received by attendees.  heir 2020 program was entitled “Music of the Revolutionary War Period.”

In order to have an idea of the expected number of participants at this year’s “Crossing of the Dan Commemoration, please click on this Registration Link to REGISTER (BY FEBRUARY 8, 2022) For Questions Contact: Jeff Myers, Registrar at

The ‘Crossing Event’ is conducted in cooperation with the Berryman Green Chapter VADAR, the Halifax County Historical Society the South Boston, Halifax County Museum of Fine Arts and History, the Town of Halifax, and the Town of South Boston.

And, with credit to the Gzette Virginian:

Dan River Chapter, Virginia Society Sons of the American Revolution; Berryman Green Chapter, Virginia Daughters of the American Revolution; Halifax County Historical Society; South Boston-Halifax County Museum of Fine Arts and History; town of South Boston; town of Halifax; and Halifax County Middle School are hosting the 241st anniversary event.

The events on Feb. 19 will highlight The Crossing of the Dan in present-day South Boston and will honor the brave men of Greene’s Continental Army, who 241 years ago struggled to elude Gen. Lord Cornwallis’ British army, crossed the Dan River to rebuild the army and continue the fight to gain independence for the colonies from Great Britain.

For more information, contact Mike Geisinger at 434-476-2454 or Anne Raab at 434-470-1350.

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