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George Washington Chapter
Sons of the American Revolution
              Virginia Society

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Recognized as Best Virginia SAR Website

2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

Past Events 2025--- 2024 --- 2023 --- 2022 --- 2021  --- 2020  --- 2019  --- 2018  --- 2017


23 December 16
Tall Ship Providence honored with
Bronze Good Citizenship Medal and Award 

(Alexandria, Virginia, Saturday, December 16, 2023) -- The Tall Ship Providence Foundation was presented the Bronze Good Citizenship Medal sponsored by the George Washington Chapter, Virginia Society Sons of the American Revolution. 

Chapter President Rand Pixa presented the award and medal to Clair S. Sassin, President & CEO of Tall Ship Providence Foundation in a ceremony held at the John Warner Maritime Center, Alexandria, Virginia.

The Foundation was awarded for its "dedication to commemorating a historical vessel, education initiatives, and fostering a deep understanding of our shared heritage." 

2023 December 16
250th Anniversary of Boston Tea Party

Immediately following the chapter's participation in laying wreaths at Alexandria National Cemetery in support of Wreaths Across America, chapter leaders, members and guests gathered honored the actions of Boston Tea Party participants including the 16-year-old Samuel Cooper, who is buried in Alexandria. 

On December 16, 1773, a revolt against the policies enacted by King George III and Parliment to force the colonies to pay taxes and which gave a monopoly to the British India Tea Company.  Several men disguised themselves as Mohawk Indians and raided the ships in Boston Harbor by dumping 342 chests of tea into the water. 

Samuel Cooper (P-138621) was one of those men and later served as a major during the Revolutionary War serving in multiple engagements including the battles of Bunker Hill, Trenton, Brandywine, Germantown and Monmouth, amongst others. 

23 December 16
250th Anniversary of Boston Tea Party

Immediately following the chapter's participation in laying wreaths at Alexandria National Cemetery in support of Wreaths Across America, chapter leaders, members and guests gathered honored the actions of Boston Tea Party participants including the 16-year-old Samuel Cooper, who is buried in Alexandria. 

On December 16, 1773, a revolt against the policies enacted by King George III and Parliment to force the

2023 November - Chapter Meeting
Including Election of 2024 Officers
and New Manager-at-Large

November 11, 2023 Chapter Meeting included Chapter award presentations, an interesting presentation by Guest Speaker Chuck Schwam, Executive Director of the American Friends of Lafayette, and the election of the 2024 Chapter officers and next Manager-at-Large.

2023 November - Veterans Day at Mount Vernon
Home and Final Resting Place of
George and Martha Washington 

November 11, 2023 Veterans Day wreath laying presentation at the Tomb of General George Washington. DAR and C.A.R were also represented at the ceremony.

George and Martha Washington 

November 11, 2023

2023 October - 249th Commemoration of Fairfax Independent Company 

Held at the City of Fairfax's Veterans Ampitheater on Saturday, October 7, 2023, and led by the Fairfax Resolves Chapter.

Special Guest: President, Virginia SAR and GW Chapter Member, Ernie Coggins

GW Chapter Compatriot David Harrity also attended.  

Members from the Fairfax Resolves, Col. James Wood II, Sgt Major John Champe, and Col. William Grayson chapters SAR were in attendance and presented wreaths along with representatives from the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) and the Society of the Descendants of Washington's Army at Valley Forge (DVF).

2023 September - Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Held at the Arlington National Cemetery on September 9, 2023.

Special Guest: National SAR President General John L. Dodd and Virginia SAR President Ernie Coggins

This annual National SAR event is sponsored by the George Washington Chapter, Virginia Society, Sons of the American Revolution led in attendance by chapter president Rand Pixa. 

2023 September Chapter Meeting

Held at the Army-Navy Country Club, Arlington, Virginia.

Special Guest: National SAR President General John L. Dodd and Virginia SAR President Ernie Coggins

Edgar Bates (GW Chapter's GWBCC Representative) presents award certificates to the Chapter from City of Alexandria's George Washington Birthday Celebration Committee (GWBCC).

2023 June - Naturalization Ceremony

Held at George Mason's Gunston Hall as part of the 247th celebration of adoption of the Virginia Declaration of Rights.

Such an honor to be a part of this special moment. Candidates for citizenship take the final step on a years-long journey during Gunston Hall’s semi-annual naturalization ceremony. George Mason helped found the United States of America and paved the way for others to become citizens. Mason’s historic mansion is the perfect backdrop for this incredibly moving ceremony.

2023 May - National Memorial Day Parade (29 May 2023)

The George Washington Chapter led a contingency of members from various SAR chapters, the DAR and C.A.R. along the parade route of the nationally televised 2023 National Memorial Day Parade in Washington, DC. 

First-time participating SAR members received the Dooley-Carr-Elston Medal from the George Washington Chapter, Virginia SAR.

Video of the parade march (YouTube) @GeorgeWashington_VirginiaSAR

2023 February - Philip Fendall Memorial 

Highlights include:

George Washington Chapter President Rand Pixa led this chapter event to commemorate the patriotic services of Philip Richard FENDALL (1734-1805), held on 08 Feb 2023 at the Lee-Fendall House, Alexandria, Virginia.

Fendall served on the Committee of Correspondence, Charles County, Maryland and was a representative of Charles County at the Maryland Provincial Convention in 1775.

Video Clip of the ceremony

2023 January Chapter Meeting

Highlights include:

Guest Speaker Compatriot Dick Hamly gave a presentation on "The History of Pohick Church".

GW Chapter member Houston Smith happily awards Sheriff's Deputy Michael Spaeth with Medal for Heroism in coordination with Public Safety Awards Committee Chairman, John Blair. 

Incoming GW President Rand Pixa presents outgoing GW President Richard Rankin with the Presidential Gavel; the Meritorious Service Medal and Certificate; and the Presidential Award with pin.

George Washington Chapter Registrar Rich Sherman introduces new member Joel Scott Arthur with Chapter President Rand Pixa.

Sons of the American Revolution
Virginia SAR
George Washington Chapter

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