Recognized as Best Virginia SAR Website
2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
President Scot Bryant | Vice President Marty Johnson | Treasurer David Harrity Scott Walker | Secretary Jonathan Coles |
Manager-at-Large (2025) Richard Rankin | Manager-at-Large (2026) Rand Pixa | Manager-at-Large (2027) Scott Walker |
Registrar Richard Sherman | Chaplain Paul McComb | Historian Thomas M. Roth, III |
Americanism Report Thomas M. Roth, III | Master at Arms Covert Beach | Newsletter Editor Open |
Past President Emeritus Hon. David M. Walker | Past President Emeritus Dr. Donald Reynolds, DDS | Webmaster Scot Bryant Webmaster Scot Bryant |
COMMITTEESThe Board of Managers, composed of the Chapter Officers, Managers-at-Large, and other ex-officio members, is assisted in the pursuit of national, state, and local SAR objectives and initiatives, as well as in the conduct of Chapter business, by both standing and special committees. Unless specified in the Chapter Bylaws, the Chapter President appoints the chairmen of the Standing Committees on an annual basis. Special Committees are typically appointed to meet a short-term need and are normally constituted for a short, specified duration. For questions about a Committee, and for members to volunteer their services, please contact the Committee chair or the Chapter Secretary at STANDING COMMITTEES |
Amenities CommitteeResponsible for arranging hospital calls, sending “get well” cards and condolences, and organizing delegations to attend local SAR funerals. Chair: Chaplain - Paul McComb, |
Audit CommitteeResponsible for the annual audit of the Treasurer’s accounts and such other audit actions as the Board of Managers may direct.Chair: Vacant, |
Awards CommitteeResponsible for the development and execution of the Chapter’s Awards Program. Recommends honorees for both SAR and external awards in fields such as education, public safety, military achievement, writing, ROTC/JROTC, and similar fields relating to the objectives of SAR.Committee Chair: Vacant |
Flag CommitteeResponsible for presenting at least one SAR flag certificate each year and reporting the presentation to the Virginia Society’s Flag Committee. At the request of any member, the committee shall prepare a flag certificate for presentation by that member. Chair: Paul Walden, |
Graves Registration & Marking CommitteeResponsible for the identification, documentation, and registration for publication by the National Society of any grave of a Revolutionary War serviceman or patriot. All Society members assist this committee in locating the graves of their Revolutionary ancestors and other servicemen and patriots and advocating for the proper marking of such graves. Chair: David J. Harrity, |
Program CommitteeResponsible for both the development and content of programs including speaker selection, necessary arrangements for presentation, and the order of conduct of Chapter meetings. Chair: Vice President - Marty Johnson |
Property Management CommitteeCustodial responsibility, including safe storage and maintenance as well as an annual inventory, for all physical property of the Chapter to include flags, banners, uniforms, and other acquired clothing and equipment. Chair: Quartermaster - Paul Walden, |
Public Relations CommitteeResponsible for preparing and distributing news of Chapter activities to members and local news media. Informs Chapter members of SAR activities at all levels, encouraging participation in such activities. Publicizes to promote the value of SAR membership. Chair: Secretary - Jonathan Coles |
Scouting CommitteeResponsible for recommending sponsorship of scouting programs to the Board of Managers and implementing such programs through dealings with local Boy Scout troops and troop councils. Chair: Marty Johnson,, Members: Adam Kincaid, Bill Hoehn and Thomas Whitaker |
Youth Activities CommitteeResponsible for handling all Chapter relations with private and public schools in the Northern Virginia area, including but not limited to Good Citizenship Awards, the George S. & Stella M. Knight Essay Contest, the Joseph H. Rumbaugh Historical Orientation Contest, and the Children of the American Revolution. Chair: Marty Johnson, |
Color GuardCommander: Mark Jackson You are invited to visit the Virginia Sons of the American Revolution's Color Guard webpage for additional information and points of contact. |
DAR - C.A.R. RelationsPromotes cooperation, membership and community service between the DAR and C.A.R societies and chapters. As potential new SAR members are recruited, one should always ask about their female relatives who could potentially join DAR. In turn, DAR members should be asked to inquire about their male relatives as they recruit new DAR members. Chair: Open |
Nominating CommitteeAppointed by the Board of Managers annually in September to submit nominations for the Officer and Manager-at-Large positions. The Committee consists of at least two former Chapter presidents and at least one member who is not presently a member of the Board of Managers. |
America 250 SAR CommitteeFocused on celebrating America’s 250th anniversary with Patriotic, Historical and Educational programs which will raise the awareness of Americans about our past and help strengthen our democracy. Chair: Edgar Bates, Members: Colin Eilts, David Harrity |
Sons of the American Revolution
Virginia SAR
George Washington Chapter