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George Washington Chapter
Sons of the American Revolution
              Virginia Society

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Recognized as Best Virginia SAR Website

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The George Washington Chapter is a component of the Virginia Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (Virginia SAR) and the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR). SAR is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and teaching American history to future generations.  At the Chapter level, the George Washington Chapter is a strong fraternal organization with a northern Virginia focus, further supporting SAR efforts across Virginia and nationally.

Any man, 18 years of age or older, regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background, who can prove blood lineal descent from a Patriot of the American Revolution, is eligible for membership.

Quick Links: Forms and Instructions

    Worksheet Instructions

    For additional online options you might wish to look under "Join Now!" at the top of National SAR's website and select the "Apply in 4 Easy Steps" option, here:

    Who Can Join?

    A Lineage Society

    SAR is a "lineage" society. In summary, each member has traced and is able to appropriately document their family tree back to the point of having an ancestor who fought for or otherwise supported the cause of American Independence during the years 1774-1783.

    Do You Have a Patriot Ancestor?

    If you are not sure whether any of your ancestors lived in the United States during the American Revolution, don't lose heart. Many people who never set foot in the United States supported the American colonists' struggle against British domination, for example: The King of Spain. Many patriots (or their descendants) moved to foreign lands and their descendants moved back later, not knowing their ancestors were here before. Many French, German, and Spanish soldiers and sailors fought in support of American independence and returned home, and their descendants were not aware of their ancestor's participation in supporting American independence.

    Suppose You Do Not Have a Rev War Patriot Ancestor?

    Even if you cannot identify a Patriot ancestor or an ancestor who supported the struggle for American Independence you may still find enjoyment researching your ancestry. Becoming more familiar (and perhaps immersed) in family study often uncovers interesting unknown or long-forgotten family stories and provides a deeper appreciation of both the struggles and the opportunities that our ancestors met along the way.

    While an American Revolutionary War Patriot ancestor or supporter is required to join the Sons of the American Revolution, there are many similar societies with members that have common lineage ties which also support the patriotic foundations that help to make the United States a great nation.

    Why Should You Join the SAR?

    You can help perpetuate the dreams of our Patriot ancestors who fought for a system of representative government and participatory democracy. You can honor the sacrifices they made as they fought with both weapons and words. By joining SAR, you will have many, many opportunities to formally recognize and honor the service, support and sacrifice by your Patriot ancestors, which they gave not only for themselves, but for future generations as well. You will also have numerous opportunities to honor modern day heroes such as active and retired military veterans, law enforcement officers, emergency medical responders and firefighters. Heroes, many of them! Sacrificing all for the sake of someone else.

    You will also have the opportunity to help educate students, Junior ROTC cadets and Boy Scouts and provide scholarships for historical essay and oration contests winners.

    As with membership in many organizations, you gain as much as you invest into it, even more in many cases. You can believe this:

    We are an organization of people who make good things happen for other people.

    Some of the rewards are simple, such as hearing a young child at a parade shout, "There goes George Washington!" when SAR members and our Color Guard in their Continental uniforms march by with their flags flying.

    What about participating in an Eagle Scout award ceremony and rewarding their commitment, dedication and hard work along with formally presenting them with best wishes for continued success from several hundred members of your state society? How about adding to a parent's pride by presenting an award from the Sons of the American Revolution to a ROTC or JROTC cadet for similar commitment, dedication and hard work?

    Many SAR members are also currently taking pride in helping to build a fine, national library dedicated to providing comprehensive documentation and analysis of the thoughts and deeds that played critical roles in the founding of our nation.

    Through membership, you support the mission of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution,

    the Virginia SAR and this local George Washington Chapter.


    When an active Chapter stalwart was recently asked what advice he would give to new members, or members who may have joined the Chapter years ago but wish to become more engaged now, he offered, "Become involved in the programs that the Chapter offers. Because then their membership will become more meaningful and even more rewarding."

    There are many activities that members are encouraged to take advantage of:

    • Come to meetings: Meet new and reconnect with old friends. Enjoy guest speakers and historic venues.
    • Read the Chapter newsletters to stay informed.
    • Help with activities, join a committee, become an officer.
    • Research information on patriot graves, mark a grave site.
    • Join or support a color guard with Rev. War uniforms.
    • Volunteer to talk at a local school or civic association.
    • Support local historical research, get it published, be a history essay judge.
    • Attend award ceremonies and help present the awards.
    • Encourage youths to enter contests.
    • Share the National, State and Chapter organizations' good work and successes with family and friends.

    Additional Benefits Include

    National:  Review, registration, and storage of your lineage/documentation, Membership certificate. Four issues annually of SAR Magazine; access to SARtalk (on-line discussion group); opportunities to participate in District Meetings, Trustee Meetings, and the Annual Congress.

    State (Virginia): Newsletters, opportunities to participate in state events and the Annual Meeting.

    Fees and Dues
    Effective 9/1/2024. (Subject to change.)

    Application Fees and First Year Dues: National $200, State $12, Chapter $55; Total: $267

    Annual Dues:  National $50, State $30, Chapter $45; Total: $125

    Membership questions? eMail the Chapter Registrar.

    Special Note: George Washington Chapter members who have a son, grandson, brother or a nephew that have not submitted or been encouraged to submit a SAR membership... this is an excellent time to consider their membership.

    For more information, see:  SONS, GRANDSONS, BROTHERS & NEPHEWS - MEMBERS IN SAR

    Sons of the American Revolution
    Virginia SAR
    George Washington Chapter

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